Emacs Prelude

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Emacs Prelude
Description Advanced Emacs config
Author name of author
Maintainer Bozhidar Batsov
Source https://github.com/bbatsov/emacs-prelude

Emacs Prelude has the goal to ease the initial Emacs setup process and to provide you with a much more powerful and productive experience than that you get out of the box. By using Emacs Prelude you're basically getting a "Get me out of the Prelude, I just want to use Emacs" card.

Emacs Prelude is compatible ONLY with GNU Emacs 24. While Emacs 24 is not yet officially released it's a rock solid piece of software more than suitable for everyday work. There is no good excuse not to use Emacs 24!

Basic setup

Assuming you're using an Unix-like OS (*BSD, GNU/Linux, OS X, Solaris, etc), you already have Emacs 24 installed, as well as git & curl you can skip the whole manual and just type in your favorite shell the following command:

curl -L https://github.com/bbatsov/emacs-prelude/raw/master/utils/installer.sh | sh

You can now power up your Emacs, sit back and enjoy Prelude.

Helpful keybindings

[C-x C-c]
Quit Emacs.
[C-x C-s] (or M-x save-buffer)
Save buffer.

Common Customization

Customization 1

(message "This stuff will go in your .emacs")





Recommended Reading

Project Pages

Tutorial Pages