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Description Gnus is an e-mail client, a news client and a feed aggregator.
Author name of author
Maintainer Lars Magne Ingebrigtsen
Part of Emacs yes

Very nice site!

Showing your sent messages in the thread with email folders

With newsgroups, your sent mail shows up in the thread and you can easily press `^' to move up the thread whether you sent the message or someone else. But when you're in e.g. INBOX, only messages sent to you show up, messages you send will be in your Sent folder (see for how to archive sent messages, or you could subscribe to your IMAP's Sent folder).

But getting a full "conversation view" is quite simple. In the group buffer, first press `G V' to create an empty nnvirtual group, name it e.g. "INBOX" (it'll end up being shown as "nnvirtual:INBOX"). Then put the point over the real INBOX and press `G v' and enter "nnvirtual:INBOX". Now you have a virtual folder that shows just your inbox … then find your Sent folder, press `G v' and enter "nnvirtual:INBOX". Now when you enter nnvirtual:INBOX (and perhaps press `T T' to turn on threading), both sent and received messages are shown in the thread, and you can click `^' to move up the thread to find out what you really wrote :)

Note: your real INBOX folder will still show up in the *Group* buffer, press `u' over it to hide it (don't use `k', if you kill it, gnus won't look for the read/unread marks in your INBOX, and your nnvirtual folder will show everything as unread).