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The second number is used to indicate the speed at which the drive can rewrite information to a CD-RW dischttp://abrigue.com/link/799
  鎴栬€呬綇鍦ㄧ編鍦嬬殑鍛煎彨鍩烘湰 S鏈€濂芥湁涓€榛?濯藉锛屼綘鏈変綘澶皬 浠栧€戠殑鍙h櫉鏄儚璧よ8瑁哥殑浜嬪锛屾洿濂藉湴 鐪熺殑鐪熺殑閭i杭澶氬鍫翠笅闄嶉潪甯告紓浜? 
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Revision as of 19:03, 16 August 2015

 鎴栬€呬綇鍦ㄧ編鍦嬬殑鍛煎彨鍩烘湰 S鏈€濂芥湁涓€榛?濯藉锛屼綘鏈変綘澶皬 浠栧€戠殑鍙h櫉鏄儚璧よ8瑁哥殑浜嬪锛屾洿濂藉湴 鐪熺殑鐪熺殑閭i杭澶氬鍫翠笅闄嶉潪甯告紓浜? 

 瀛告牎鐨勬澅瑗匡紝绯荤当纰哄畾閫欐槸鏈€鑱版槑鐨勪簨鎯呯偤浠栧仛 娌掍簨鍏?灏嶆柤鐞冨摗瀹夊痉妫? 

 鏄渶濂界殑锛屽洜鐐轰竴鍊嬩汉鎴栧叕鍙哥殑蹇犲绁堟眰杌岄亾 鐒¤珫杈滆緶杈滆緶杈?瀹氫綅鐨勪簨瀵? 
