Speed bar

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speed bar
Description show a navigation bar
Part of Emacs yes

Speedbar is another frame which displays information about the current buffer, allowing you to better navigate your sources. It is a part of GNU Emacs since version 23.2.

Speedbar can use etags, imenu,… to parse C, C++, Java, texinfo, Makefiles, etc. and provides alternate views into each individual files. For example, for C files, function list and variable lists are provided for quick navigation within files.


Call M-x speedbar, it will launch the speedbar in a different frame. To automatically launch speedbar at startup, add this in your ~/.emacs :

 (speedbar 1)

If you don't want to launch it when you use emacs in console :

 (when window-system ; start speedbar if we're using a window system 
 (speedbar t))

See also

See also emacs-nav, a simple in-frame file-system navigation bar (from google).