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Prelude has the goal to ease the initial Emacs setup process and to provide you with a much more powerful and productive experience than that you get out of the box. By using Emacs Prelude you're basically getting a "Get me out of the Prelude, I just want to use Emacs" card.

Emacs Prelude
Description Advanced Emacs config
Author Bozhidar Batsov
Maintainer Bozhidar Batsov

Emacs Prelude is compatible ONLY with GNU Emacs 24. While Emacs 24 is not yet officially released it's a rock solid piece of software more than suitable for everyday work. There is no good excuse not to use Emacs 24!

Basic setup

Assuming you're using an Unix-like OS (*BSD, GNU/Linux, OS X, Solaris, etc), you already have Emacs 24 installed, as well as git & curl you can skip the whole manual and just type in your favorite shell the following command:

curl -L | sh

You can now power up your Emacs, sit back and enjoy Prelude.

Helpful keybindings

[C-c f]
Find a recently accessed file.
[C-c r]
Rename file and buffer.

Common Customization

You can tweak Prelude's config by adding .el files under the personal directory. All files ending in ".el" will be read automatically when emacs starts up.

Change the default theme

Emacs Prelude uses the Zenburn theme by default, but you can easily change this:

(load-theme 'solarized-dark t)




Note: on Windows 7 (Enterprise),

ln -s <prelude-directory> ~/emacs.d

did not work. But copying the content of prelude directory to .emacs.d worked as expected.

Note: it also expects git to be on the system paths defined in PATH. I used git from Cygwin. It worked.

See Also

Project Pages

Tutorial Pages