Media player

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EMMS, The Emacs Multimedia System.

EMMS is the Emacs Multimedia System. It tries to be a clean and small application to play multimedia files from Emacs using external players. Many of it's ideas are derived from MpthreePlayer , but it tries to be more general and cleaner.

The fact that EMMS is based on external players makes it powerful, because it supports all formats that those players support, with no effort from your side.


  • Free Software (as in Free Speech, and Free Beer)
  • Extensible
  • Very light (some might even say stealth)
  • Audio support : MP3, Ogg Vorbis, FLAC
  • Video support : MPEG, WMV, MOV, AVI, OGM, MKV, etc...
  • Tagging capability, possibly batched
  • Playlist management
  • Remotely drivable via emacsclient (playlist creation via rox-filer, for example)
  • And last but not least : Written in Emacs lisp :)


Install the needed packages with the package manager of your system :

sudo apt-get install emms vorbis-tools

(you may also try with el-get.)

add the following to your ~/.emacs :

(require 'emms-setup)

and, as usual, restart emacs or M-x eval-current-buffer RET.


You can play a file or a directory with the command M-x emms-play-file or emms-play-directory.

You can add files and directories to the emms playlist (which will be created if it doesn't exist yet) with M-x emms-add-file, play it with emms-start and you can visit the playlist buffer by simply calling M-x emms RET. Hitting '?' in the playlist buffer will show you all the available shortcuts.

Add other file extensions

If you want to, say, be able to read flv videos :

;; add flv and ogv
(define-emms-simple-player mplayer '(file url)
      (regexp-opt '(".ogg" ".mp3" ".wav" ".mpg" ".mpeg" ".wmv" ".wma"
                    ".mov" ".avi" ".divx" ".ogm" ".asf" ".mkv" "http://" "mms://"
                    ".rm" ".rmvb" ".mp4" ".flac" ".vob" ".m4a" ".flv" ".ogv" ".pls"))
      "mplayer" "-slave" "-quiet" "-really-quiet" "-fullscreen")

External links an easy tutorial to begin with.


mpg123 is a package written by HiroseYuuji for playing .mp3 and .ogg files with the mpg123 and ogg123 programs.


Debian system

Install the mpg123-el package :

apt-get install mpg123-el

All systems

Install the mpg123 and ogg123 programs with your system's package manager :

apt-get install mpg123 ogg123

Grab the sources from mpg123.el's git repository and save them in ~/.emacs.d/mpg123.el.

Check you have the following in your .emacs :

(add-to-list 'load-path "~/.emacs.d/")

restart emacs or M-x eval-current-buffer.


M-x mpg123 start mpg123, choose a directory or a mp3/ogg file and start listening. The buffer shows a complete list of commands.

External links stuff to control mpg123.el from the outside.

sources :