Installing Emacs on GNU/Linux
Check if your distribution already provides an Emacs version of interest to you.
For a more recent build, try installing GNU Guix, Distrobox, building from source or one of the following unofficial repositories for your distribution.
Debian (bookworm)
Debian bookworm is (as of 2024-10-08) Debian stable, released on 2023-06-10.
Emacs 29.4 (on bookworm-backports)
# As root (su, doas or sudo)
apt install emacs
Emacs 28.2
# As root (su, doas or sudo)
apt install emacs
Emacs 29.3 on Ubuntu 24.04 LTS (Noble Numbat)
# As root (doas, sudo or su)
apt-get install emacs
Emacs Daily
Read the disclaimer on the PPA description
# As root (doas, sudo or su)
apt-add-repository ppa:ubuntu-elisp/ppa
apt-get install emacs-snapshot emacs-snapshot-el
See GNU Emacs - Gentoo wiki and Project:GNU Emacs/Developer guide - Gentoo wiki.
Arch Linux
Emacs 24
$ sudo pacman -S emacs
Compile and Install bleeding edge using AUR:
$ yaourt -S emacs-git
Compile and Install using emacs.SlackBuild (unofficial).
Emacs 23
Available up to Fedora 16
$ sudo yum install emacs
Emacs 24
Available from Fedora 17+
$ sudo yum install emacs
Emacs 23
Available in 12.1 and 12.2. Before that? not sure.
$ sudo zypper install emacs
Emacs 24
Not available till 12.2, but available from Factory repo. Add factory repo and then,
$ sudo zypper install emacs
No pre-built packages.