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ruby-mode provides basic font-locking, indentation and navigation support for Ruby source code. It was first included in Emacs 23 (previously it was a third party package, maintained by Ruby's developers). While ruby-mode is fairly barebone package it could be augmented by a multitude of minor modes such as ruby-end, ...

Ruby on Rails

Let's configure Emacs as a productive environment for Rails development !


Rinari (in melpa) stands for Rinari Is Not A Rails IDE. It is an Emacs minor mode for Rails that is actively maintained.

Rinari features:

  • for 'jumps' between Model, View, Controller and their RSpec examples and Test Unit tests,
  • as well as Cucumber steps and features.
  • running of a console session with full Rails application loaded for interactive use,
  • SQL console,
  • starting of the web server (rails server).

The official documentation is alright, but for best information check out the source.

Syntax checking: flymake

See Flymake, and install flymake-ruby (in melpa).

To make sure it is started along with ruby mode, add:

(require 'flymake-ruby)
(add-hook 'ruby-mode-hook 'flymake-ruby-load)

Ruby shell inside Emacs

inf-ruby provides a REPL buffer connected to a Ruby subprocess. It is available through the package manager. To bind to a shortcut, do something like:

(global-set-key (kbd "C-c r r") 'inf-ruby)

RVM integration

Pick rvm.el. Once installed you will just have to call rvm-activate-corresponding-ruby and rvm.el will automatically pick up your ruby version and gemset from your .rvmrc file.

For a keybinding:

(global-set-key (kbd "C-c r a") 'rvm-activate-corresponding-ruby)

External links