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Full interfaces


Magit is a great Emacs mode for working with Git repositories. It provides a convenient interface for the most common Git operations. Please visit its own Magit page.

Specific use cases

Git blame

Git-blame is a package, available in ELPA, which provides a minor mode for incremental blame.

Show last commit message for current line

This package provides a function called git-messenger:popup-message that when called will pop-up the last git commit message for the current line. This uses the git-blame tool internally.

Available in ELPA.

Highlight uncommited changes

Git-gutter is an extension to highlight uncommitted changes on the left side of the window, indicating wether a line has been inserted, modified or deleted, and allowing you to jump between and revert them selectively. diff-hl does it too and works with Git, Mercurial, Bazaar and Svn, and it provides similar functionnality for dired. Both are available in ELPA. They are Tramp-aware.

After installation, call the minor modes or enable them:

   (add-hook 'python-mode-hook 'git-gutter-mode)

Jump between changes

To jump between changes: M-x git-gutter:next-hunk or M-x diff-hl-next-hunk.