Main Page
Welcome to WikEmacs - A Community Maintained Emacs Wiki
Consult Mediawiki User's Guide for contributing to this wiki. Apparently there is a Mediawiki.el client. Does anyone have any experience with it?
Useful resources for working with Gnu Emacs. See also Emacs (Wikipedia).
This wiki is intended as a next generation replacement for Emacswiki
Getting started
Text editing in Emacs
International Users
Indian Languages
Use of Lohit font is recommeneded for composing in Tamil.
'tamil "-outline-Lohit Tamil-normal-normal-normal-*-20-*-*-*-p-*-iso10646-1")
Emacs as an IDE
Integrated Development Environment (IDE) for Emacs is called CEDET. See Gentle Introduction to CEDET.
For Literate Programming see Org Babel.
Programming Languages
Web browsing and web development
- w3
- w3m-el
- Launching and interacting with an external browser from emacs
- Using emacs as a browser's external editor
Emacspeak for the visually challenged.
Security and cryptography
- Gnu Privacy Guard (GPG) support and integration
Getting Involved
- Mailing list archives
- Source Repository