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WikEmacs (pronounced wikimacs) collects useful resources for working with GNU Emacs. It is intended as a next generation alternative to the traditional EmacsWiki. You can call it A Community Maintained Emacs Wiki.

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Emacs News

The latest stable release of Emacs is Emacs-23.4. The next major release is Emacs-24.1 and is in Pretest stage.

Emacs is available on all popular Operating Systems including GNU/Linux, OSX and Windows. It supports variety of Programming languages.

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Text editing in Emacs

Automation in Emacs

Configuring Emacs


  • Completion and selection
    • Ido: Interactively do things
    • Helm: incremental completion and selection (formerly Anything)
    • Icicles
    • Abbrev and dabbrev
    • Auto-complete and hippie-expand
    • YaSnippet

Typesetting, Document Markup and Document Creation in Emacs

Emacs supports a wide range of Markup languages to help you in your workflow of document creation.



Interactive command-line environments for Lisp. (Read-Eval-Print-Loop)

  • Inferior Emacs Lisp Mode (IELM), for interacting with Emacs' own internal Lisp
  • mozrepl, for interacting with an external web browser's internal JavaScript engine
  • SLIME, for interacting with an external Common Lisp or Clojure instance

Within Emacs, Ediff provides sophisticated diff and merge functions. Both vc and dvc integrate well with ediff.


Web browsing

See also Workflow:Browsing

Shells and terminal emulation

Within Emacs you can interact with various shells and other command-line/text-mode programs running as a sub-process within an Emacs terminal emulator:

eshell is a shell (not a terminal emulator, nor a process hosted in one) written in pure Emacs Lisp . It is very powerful, flexible and customizable, but poorly documented at time of writing.

Emacs itself is fully functional either in a terminal or a windowing system. Some keystrokes available under window systems may not work in a terminal and vice versa.


Security and cryptography

Getting Involved

Niche Uses

Games and Entertainment

  • Tetris
  • Doctor
  • Humor


Popular Culture and Community

  • Adding Emacs-style key bindings to other programs and operating systems.
  • St Ignucius and the Church of Emacs
  • Saving the world from vi